Monday, December 13, 2010

Coach StuBucksman Steals LSU/OSU Thunder...Signs New Endorsement Deal

On the night of the biggest RUTS game of the season, Alabama Coach StuBucksman has one-upped the Tigers and Buckeyes, announcing that he has signed an endorsement deal with BK to become the new Burger King.

Given his love for Chick Fil-A, fast-food fanatics were in shock as Coach Stu made the announcement. With Adam Lambert's "If I Had You" blaring in the background, Coach Stu stepped to the podium wearing the redesigned Burger King outfit.

Coach Stu, always the pioneer, led the way in being the first and only head football coach to sign an endorsement deal last season when he signed a lucrative deal with Keds Sports. Now, he's taking his talents to the fine dining industry. in addition to getting to lay on fine bear skin rugs and put sunscreen on lucky ladies at the beach.

It's unclear as of now whether or not he will be allowed to wear the costume during RUTS games, but the coach insisted that he "will definitely be wearing it on the field during pre-game warmups" starting with his team's week 3 game at Oklahoma.