The scheduling formula implemented in 2002 with realignment guarantees that all teams play each other on a regular, rotating basis.
Under the formula, every team within a division plays 16 games as follows:
· Home and away against its three division opponents (6 games).
· The four teams from another division within its conference on a rotating three-year cycle (4 games).
· The four teams from a division in the other conference on a rotating four-year cycle (4 games).
· Two intraconference games based on the prior year's standings (2 games). These games match a first-place team against the first-place teams in the two same-conference divisions the team is not scheduled to play that season. The second-place, third-place, and fourth-place teams in a conference are matched in the same way each year.
In essence, I think we'll be safe to pick whatever teams we want and have a good shot at playing each other on a semi-regular basis. So, for the 2009 Season, here are each divisons' schedule pairings:
AFC East (NYJ, Mia, NE, Buf)
- 6 division games
- 4 games against AFC South
- 4 games against NFC South
- 2 intra-conf games
AFC North - (Pit, Balt, Clev, Cin)
- 6 division games
- 4 games against AFC West
- 4 games against NFC North
- 2 intra-conf games
AFC South (TN, Ind, Hou, Jax)
- 6 division games
- 4 games against AFC East
- 4 games against NFC West
- 2 intra-conf games
AFC West (SD, Den, Oak, KC)
- 6 division games
- 4 games against AFC North
- 4 games against NFC East
- 2 intra-conf games
NFC East (Dal, Wash, Phil, NYG)
- 6 division games
- 4 games against AFC West
- 4 games against NFC North
- 2 intra-conf games
NFC North (Chi, GB, Minn, Det)
- 6 division games
- 4 games against AFC North
- 4 games against NFC East
- 2 intra-conf games
NFC South (Atl, NO, Car, TB)
- 6 division games
- 4 games against AFC East
- 4 games against NFC West
- 2 intra-conf games
NFC West (StL, Ariz, SF, Seat)
- 6 division games
- 4 games against AFC South
- 4 games against NFC South
- 2 intra-conf games
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