Lincoln, NE - After missing the team plane, word was that LSU's new Mascot, E-Rock the Corndog, would not be making the trip this week when the Tigers face the Big Red. ESPN's Shelly Smith noticed that the new lucky mascot with a 3-0 record did not accompany the team. "He didn't make the team charter," said coach UTVOL54, "the bus waits for no one." However, the missed bus was only the beginning of a Odyssey for the popular costumed friend.
"I sleeped,

I sorry, still love me?" said E-Rock after arriving on the set of the FSN-Midwest preview show. After attempting to speak plain English with the mascot, the FSN crew finally determined somewhat that E-Rock had tried to walk all the way from Baton Rouge to Lincoln. However, a national Biker gang took pity on E-Rock and picked him up somewhere south of Brookhaven, Mississippi." LSU Fans around the country rejoiced on message boards now that their "lucky" guy was safe and sound in the state of corn.
E-Rock was determined to get back to the root of his existance, THE LAND OF CORN.
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