Tuesday, March 24, 2009

NCAA '10: New Camera Angles for Passing

The latest EA Sports Blog Post offer a glimpse of some new features in the passing game...my favorite is this, which has been much needed for a while:

You’ve probably noticed the passing icons are somewhat transparent in the images. New to NCAA Football 10 is the hiding of the passing icons as you run further from the line of scrimmage. If you are looking to run 20 yards backwards and launch a crazy arcade-like pass, we hope you memorized the routes your receivers are running and their assigned button on the controller. Otherwise, you could end up throwing into double/triple coverage and giving the ball away.

Also, the EA Sports folks had a testing day last week for some big time gurus to fly in to EA's headquarters to test the new game and get their feedback. I haven't read it yet, but it looks interesting. Read through the several posts here. You'll have to scroll down the page.